Oferta pracy / job offer Devacell: Virus Coating Technology Company

Dr. Abe Yahla from San Diego is working on a virus coating technology. He is setting up a subsidiary of his American company, Devacell here in Poland to complete the pre-clinical work and is looking to hire some scientific persons. Here’s his descriptions:

Chief Chemist: PhD degree in general chemistry, sol-gel chemistry, biochemistry with at least 5 years of work experience and some project management roles. Experience in drug development or pharmacology is a big plus.

Attached is a presentation in English & Polish with some addition information.



Abe Layla, Ph.D.
001 858 669-4775


Załącznik Rozmiar
devacell_polish.pptx 5.19 MB
devacell_english.pptx 5.19 MB
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Data publikacji: środa, 26. Sierpień 2015 - 11:00; osoba wprowadzająca: Andrzej Nowacki Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 26. Sierpień 2015 - 11:00; osoba wprowadzająca: Andrzej Nowacki