Dioxin 2018, Flayer Dioxin 2018


26–31 August 2018, Kraków, Poland

Chair: Prof. Jerzy Falandysz

Co-chair: Prof. Larry Robertson


General topics



Combustion, burning, fires, incineration and other sources

Environmental distribution, biomonitoring and levels

Environmental transport and fate


Formation, emission, control and cleanup technologies Levels in human foods and animal feeds

Risk assessment, management and epidemiology

Toxicology and biochemistry


Dioxins & dl-compounds: brominated-, chlorinated- and mixed;

Polychlorinated biphenyls; polychlorinated naphthalenes; Pesticides and biocides;

Halogenated PAHs and PAHs;

Brominated and other flame retardants;

Indoor air quality;

Perfluoralkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances;

Natural halogenated compounds;

POPs & pseudo-POPs;

Metalorganic contaminants; Chlorinated paraffins;


Bio-detectors for chemical safety of foods, feeds, environment & human;

Endocrine disrupting contaminants;

Organosilicon compounds


Organizing Committee


Marianna Czaplicka Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences (Zabrze)

Jerzy Falandysz University of Gdańsk (Gdańsk)

Janusz Gołaś (AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków)

Adam Grochowalski Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology (Kraków)

Barbara Gworek Institute of Environmental Protection (Warszawa)

Danuta Ligocka Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (Łódź)

Józef Pacyna (NILU Norway, Oslo)

Larry Robertson The University of Iowa (Iowa City)

Nobuyoshi Yamashita National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AIST (Tsukuba)


PCB Workshop, Special Symposia & Sessions


• • PCB Workshop (Chairs: Adam Grochowalski & Larry Robertson)

• • Special Symposia:

• Legacy and Emerging Fluoros Update (Chairs: Nobuyoshi Yamashita & Kurunthachalam  Kannan)

• BioDetection Methods for POPs and Related Food and Environmental Contaminants (Chairs: Peter Behnisch & Daniela Meloni)

• How Progresses in Industrial Technology Fight POP Pollution (Chairs: Takumi Takasuga  & Allan Astrup Jensen)

• Environmental Persistence, Analytics and Risk of Pharmaceuticals (Chairs: Beate Escher & Jolanta Kumirska)

• • Special Sessions:

• AQ/AC of POPs analysis (Chairs: Sachi Taniyasu & Nobuyoshi Yamashita)


www.dioxin2018.org (will be run after August 2017)



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Data publikacji: czwartek, 19. Styczeń 2017 - 15:39; osoba wprowadzająca: Andrzej Nowacki Ostatnia zmiana: sobota, 12. Sierpień 2017 - 23:58; osoba wprowadzająca: Andrzej Nowacki