Molecular Biology and Immunology of Cancer – R&D perspectives: ScanBalt Forum 2019

Molecular Biology and Immunology of Cancer – R&D perspectives: ScanBalt Forum 2019

24-25 September, Gdańsk (Poland)


ScanBalt Forum 2019

On a rotating basis ScanBalt Forum moves from region to region as an annual event. The scope is to discuss ongoing activities and plan new ones, coordinate between projects and ensure synergies. This couples with sessions and talks targeting specific interests on the hosting region.

ScanBalt Forum 2019 focuses on Molecular Biology and Immunology of Cancer. The aim of the conference is to present excellent research in this topic and to engage industrial partners with the hope of creating mutual links and a platform of collaboration for patient benefit.


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Data publikacji: wtorek, 30. Lipiec 2019 - 12:29; osoba wprowadzająca: Andrzej Nowacki Ostatnia zmiana: wtorek, 30. Lipiec 2019 - 12:29; osoba wprowadzająca: Andrzej Nowacki